Hello beautiful,
I went to the first day opening of bath&body works at Nusentral last saturday, and they were giving limited tote bag for free if you purchase above Rm250. What I love about Bath&body works product, they have variety of scent to be chosen from, and the smell actually last longer than what I expected. The smell is just right , not too much and making me feel dizzy. I didn't get any body care for myself because I was running out of time and I cannot decide which scent that I want ( biggest problem with too many to choose from and too little money to spend ). I will definitely go and purchase them soon. And I did tested out my boyfriend body wash with my pH level pen, the body wash+ hair wash are both in between the average pH Level of 4.5 to 5.75.
Let me show you what me and my boyfriend got last Saturday.
This is the free tote bag, limited to 100 customer, I'm not sure if they going to give this free bag again soon.
This is the foaming hand soap, the foam texture is thick and I like the the scent so much ! My hands feel clean and it doesn't ripping my skin with overly dry after wash. It is Rm30 for 32.
I bought 6 pocketbacs ( 3 Pink chiffon , 2 Paris amour, 1 strawberry ) and 3 black flowery holders. The scent that I love the most is the strawberry, but I left it in my car so its not in the picture below. I gave 2 pink chiffon and 2 holders to my bffs.
I'm in love with the Pocketbac, first it sanitised my hand and it smell so lovely, and it also selling the holder so that you can keep it attached with your bag and you can keep your hand clean anytime anywhere.
This is the 60 second manicure hand scrub, a quick treatment for my hands that look like I've been to a hand spa. Haven't tried it yet, will do a full review soon. It is Rm50.
My boyfriend got himself two Hair+ Body wash and one deodorising body spray. Rm120 for 3. I did a pH level test for both the body wash, and it is between the average pH level, so don't worry that I will ripped off your acid mantel( natural skin barrier).
the pH level is suitable for our skin |
the pH level is suitable for our skin
Share with me your Bath and body works haul too :)
Countdown 10 days to CHRISTMAS :)
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